Live Streaming Software

Whether you want to record and live stream audio-visual content on social media or conduct a virtual event, live course, coaching session, webcast for your brand, or enterprise video distribution-a live streaming app is a perfect software solution for all of the above.  What is Live Streaming Software? The live streaming software is an application suite that encodes, compresses, and re-encodes video signals for transmission over the internet. It also has features such as HD streaming, live broadcast to social media platforms, inviting attendees, interactive Q&A, live polls, live recording, real-time analytics, video monetization tool, centralized video gallery to archive videos, and many more.  How can you select the best live streaming software? Finding the best live streaming tool can be a challenging task. GoodFirms has researched and analyzed the best live streaming platforms that can help you deliver and manage live video content without hassle. Check out the following list of the most popular live streaming software, along with their features and reviews.

Live Streaming Software

Live Streaming Software by states